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词语: 从事

解释: undertake

词典: 电脑专业汉英词典

从事 相关解释

undertake 〔名词〕承担,担保

undertake 承办 ,承担,答应,担保;v.许诺 ,允诺

undertake 〔名词〕承担

undertake 〔及物动词〕承担,担任,承揽

从事 follow;identify herself with;take up;were occupied in;were occupied with

从事 occupy themselves in;operate in;set hand to

从事 address to;be employed in;be occupied in;be occupied with;carried on;carry on with;deal in;embark;engage;engage in;go at;goes at;goes in for;identify herself with;identify himself with;identify myself with;identify ourselves with

从事 deal in;work on

从事 occupy in;occupy with;pursuit;tackle;take to;take up

从事 engage;occupy