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Greece repaid 450m it owed to the International Monetary Fund yesterday, sending bond yields sliding as investors showed relief at the country meeting its latest debt deadline.

希腊昨日偿还了所欠国际货币基金组织(IMF) 4.5亿欧元的贷款,此举压低了债券收益率,因为投资者对希腊能够偿还最新到期债务感到欣慰。

Yields on the country’s shortest dated notes declined, with three-year bonds declining 54 basis points to 20.08 per cent and five-year bonds falling 30bp to 14.98 per cent. The 10-year yield, which moves inversely to its price, slipped 18bp to 11.03 per cent.



A central bank official confirmed that the payment to the IMF had been made. Alexis Tsipras, prime minister, had warned last month that Greece would not be able to pay both its international creditors and social welfare payments without urgent financial assistance from its eurozone partners.

一位央行官员证实已向IMF支付了还款。希腊总理亚历克西斯•齐普拉斯(Alexis Tsipras)上月警告称,如果不能从欧元区伙伴国获得紧急财务援助,希腊将无法既偿还国际债权人的债务又支付社会福利款项。

The anti-austerity government was able to repay the IMF after it raided the cash reserves of public agencies and utilities. It should also be able pay back 420m to international investors when a six-month Treasury bill expires on April 14. But its scope for similar financial engineering is dwindling fast as more debt repayment deadlines loom.


A senior Greek official this week said Athens would exhaust its cash reserves this month, putting it on course for a sovereign default in May unless its agrees a new economic reform package with the eurozone to unlock bailout aid.


“Next month is a different matter. We are going to run out of money unless reforms are legislated to make some bailout funds available,” the official said on Tuesday.


Athens faces a 950m repayment to the IMF in May as well as 2.4bn in outlays for pensions and salaries.


Economists are split on how and when, or even if Greece will be able to come to an accord with its lenders who have balked at some of the concessions Athens has put forward.


The radical anti-austerity government has been unable to reach an agreement with the EU and IMF that would unlock 7.2bn in European funding because of foot-dragging by its economic team over reforms that would contradict Syriza’s election promises not to raise taxes or back privatisations.


Finance ministry experts are scrambling to wrap up technical talks this week with officials from the European Commission, the IMF and the ECB with the aim of reaching a deal with eurozone finance ministers in Riga on April 24.

希腊财政部的专家们本周正竭力完成与欧盟委员会(European Commission)、IMF和欧洲央行官员们的技术谈判,力求在4月24日在里加与欧元区各国财长们达成协议。